

Today we drove from Tacoma all the way to Powell River, British Columbia. This is the first time Sean has ever left the US. We were in love with Canada as soon as we saw it, the ocean was everywhere we went.

Crossing the border at the Peace arch. We got through quickly and it was a nice sunny day.

Going through Vancouver city. It was so clean and wonderful. It felt like a small town with a big city stuffed into the middle of it.

I thought we were going to the beach.

First time touching the ocean in years! Needless to say, we were freaky outty.

We love love love Cananda!


  1. Hey I have family in BC! I have yet to visit there though...You can come visit me in Alberta when I move there in 2 years.. we'll be near waterton national park=GORGEOUS and the Cardston Temple too double neat!

  2. How fun!!!!!! I wish I was tagging along as a 2nd pet.
